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15 moments of mind boggling stupidity that will make you weep for humanity

Stop the world and let us off.

R/FACEPALM, A subreddit devoted to collecting the most ridiculously stupid moments on the internet is a wonderful place.

Here are some gems we found there.

1. The time this person regaled their Facebook friends with this “fact”.

R2Iho8j Source: Imgur

2. The time a lad nonchalantly tossed a tortoise in the water

mvub4V0 Source: Imgur

3. The time Kenny thought you put a cereal bar in a bowl of milk and waited for it to break up.

Ah Kenny.

jJNvUS9 Source: Imgur

4. The time the person in the bakery took the request to “write ‘happy birthday’ on both” a little too literally

PRfeMbh Source: Imgur

5. The time this poor soul got needlessly outraged about an article in The Onion

“She was alive and just a teen!”

*bangs fists*

AL3TzZJ Source: Imgur

6. The time a lad called “Simin” thought this would work


1OlWmX6 Source: Imgur

7. The time someone noticed this eery similarity

kP08IZQ Source: Imgur

8. The time this lad didn’t get how liking Facebook statuses worked

It’s not like for like mate.

ft4irjy Source: Imgur

9. The time someone took this Clickhole article a little too seriously and pointed out that, em, actually there are other one year olds and two year olds in the world

qqeZ4ZK Source: Imgur

10. The time someone scanned the outside of their passport and thought, “Yep, job done”

lXi2cGg Source: Imgur

11. The time this gal coined  the phrase “31/7″

cb9b2Th Source: Imgur

12. The time this person didn’t quite get their point across

2i1JYFj Source: Imgur

13. The time this couple forgot that Facebook wasn’t some sort of secret club

LkhbToA Source: Imgur

14. The time this well-meaning boyfriend put himself through so much strife and pain… for nothing

“Or you could both not eat the pickles.”

tu5W4rv Source: Imgur

15. The time this person misread “pork loin” as “lion” and wrote a whole goddamn status about how lions don’t taste “too bad”

God help us and save us.

pAcTP1G Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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